There’s more that unites us than divides us.
A lifetime of community, advocacy, and hard work have brought Greg to this moment.
I may not be a native son of Alabama, but I did spend my formative years here. Many of the experiences that made me who I am today happened here. While I might not have spent my entire life in Alabama, something has always brought me back, and over the years, I have learned to love and appreciate my home city of Huntsville as a shining beacon of progress in the South. Unfortunately, the politics of this great state do not match the promise of what it is.
We are the home of the Marshall Space Flight center, Red Stone Arsenal, a leader in industry, science and technological advancement, and diversity. But our state is represented by members of a party who believe that diversity, equity, and inclusion are not values we should uplift. They believe that those values, that our country was founded on, are detrimental to society. Huntsville was the first city in Alabama to integrate its schools. Diversity is the bedrock of who we are here. Alabama is a richly diverse community. People of all races, religions, sexualities, ideologies, and gender identities live together, work together, and stand shoulder to shoulder as an example that we are not the barefoot, backwoods state that many believe us to be. Our diversity is our strength, despite what my conservative counterparts may say.
As a Democrat, mentioning Alabama is usually met with a recoil, but those people don’t understand that Democrats exist in Alabama. There are blue dots spread all across this state who, like me, believe in the promise of what Alabama could be if we stopped clinging to “the old ways” of thinking. The Alabama that raised our parents and grandparents isn’t the Alabama that we live in now. Looking to the past, we must acknowledge the mistakes of our forefathers and foremothers. Looking at the present, we must determine what needs to be fixed to move us forward, and we must right those wrongs. Looking to the future, we can show the rest of these great United States that Alabama will no longer be a follower and a punchline. We will show them that we can lead with the strength and determination that we all know is what makes Alabama great.
I believe that we are better than a former football coach who believes in conspiracy theories over experts. I believe that we are better than electing someone based on name recognition. I believe we are better than the unfulfilled promises that Mr. Tuberville made to get himself elected. I believe that we can be better than 45th in education. I believe that we can be better than 31st in opportunity. I believe that we can be better than any ranking. I believe we are better than the hate and the division that the current administration is peddling. I believe that we need someone in Washington who will stand for and with the people of Alabama, not just those in the top 1%. I won’t always be perfect; I have made mistakes in my life, and I will make mistakes in the future. What I can promise is that when I do make mistakes, I will own them, and I will be accountable to the people of Alabama.
I write this announcement as an out and proud gay man because of the bravery of Marsha P. Johnson. I am here today because of the determination of Harvey Milk. I am here today because of the courage of Black women. I am here because of the work of great Democrats like Shirley Chisholm, John Lewis, Kamala Harris, the Clintons, the Obamas, the Bidens, and so many others. I am here because of the sacrifices my parents made to give me a life better than theirs. I am here because I believe the impossible dream is not so impossible when we fight, when we work hard, and when we make sure that every voice is heard. I am here because I believe it’s time to write the next chapter of Alabama’s story.
I am here because I will be running against Tommy Tuberville in 2026.